Friday, March 13, 2009



Its funny how, like nothing is going to be as real as "the moment". I will not be able to accurately explain emotion and the things going through my head and the pictures i take will not fully capture the beauty and "feeling" of its object.

Today i went to cork and I'm so glad i went even though it cost me a day at the hospice and i really wasn't that into the idea.

we arrived at the home base care center and greeted each volunteer with a hand shake and a hug and started to sing as we sang one of the volunteers, Priscella, set up two benches and brought the children out of a class room.

I've never been so struck by beauty as i was with these little ones who crowded each other, giggled and whispered in there mother tongue.
They where told "we are praying" and they all stood up and closed there eyes, i watched them and there was this one little girl who kept getting distracted and looking around and then suddenly remembering they where praying and squeezing her eyes closed so tightly.

I at first thought i would go on home base care but there little ones drew me to them and i decided to stay with the,. Priscella told me it was "class time" and they sat in a little semi circle and sang a song that said "i want to be like Jesus" (its funny cause they dont even know what it means) and then Priscella told them the story of "AAdam and Eva"
I sat beside her and watched one little boy who was getting kind of antsy and his chair was eventually moved near mine, after several minutes i ended up holding his hand "the African way" which is my left in his gripping his thumb with his gripping mine, as i looked down at his little hand i remembered how just last night i pictured myself holding hands like that with Jesus, just as the thought floated through my head the little boy kissed my thumb and i nearly bawled.
As we continued the teacher had them repeating Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" and they went through and said it individually, it was really more of a screaming compatition and it took several children for me to realize what the they where actually saying, when one would sit down the teacher would tell me their name and situauon and what she was telling me reminded me of this album called "beauty in destruction" how can these beautiful (screaming) children exsist in this destruction of their familits, their country...maybe their future?