Saturday, September 29, 2007

oh no you didnt

sweet, so one day after I sent out my application I recieved a "revised finacial plan" and the cost for my trip has gone up and Im STRESSING.
I think I should be able to do it, but I dont know, right now im just wallowing in stress, cause as clarke said "when Lacey gets stressed she gets really stressed"


I got a new job though, yay good earth cafe, and i should be able to get a part time job on top of that as well because the shift I will be working is going to be "6 am- 2 pm" crazy crazy

I just want to put out there that Laura Pope's blog is a huge inspiration and comfort to me, she's amazing.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

humble pie

So okay my application isnt out and i havent applied for my passport
goodness im really good at putting things off.
Brianne's mom needs to go get some passport stuff done so she's gonna take me with her tomorrow morning which is very good!

and the africa application hasnt gone out just cause i havent quite figured out how to get a money order in african currency yet but it will be out by friday FOR SURE

there are alot of questions and stuff to the africa application and i answered them all and stuff and iw asnt really going to show them to anyone but i ended up reading it to my mom tonight and she cried and said she was proud of me...which was really cool

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Conner Q

so today while I was at The house (coffee shop) I finished writing my application, and I'm actually happy with it, which is cool.
So it should be in the mail by monday.
crossed fingers,possitive thoughts and (what the heck) prayers would be very appreciated

Saturday, September 15, 2007

one day next year

so many moons ago Brianne and I where having a conversation in my back yard and I said something like "I cant believe that there is going to be a day next year where I can say tomorrow I am going to africa"

Everytime I think that it gives me chills.
and its scary because that day is coming (kind of) soon.
The other day I had my passport photo taken, my application is just being polished and I'm thinking about how I am going to word my fundraiser letter(which for the record I am totally dreading setting out I dont like that idea that i am going to have to ask people for money)
so I guess stuff is (kind of) coming together