Saturday, March 29, 2008

the name of...

Hello Everybody

So it feels like I haven’t blogged for ages!
And I really am not too sure of where to start.

So as many of you may know in the footprints program, you spent 10 weeks of cultural training in south Africa and then they send you out to a different country in Africa to do your “out reach” before I left we still where sure of where my outreach was going to be or what program I was going to be a part of.
That has recently been decided. My outreach will be all the way to…South Africa! Ha-ha, at first I wasn’t stoked and I thought I was getting held back maybe because of my lack of life experience or something but the more we talk about it and the more I think about it this is absolutely amazing!
See getting sent out for the other girls in the program works, because they are good friends and know each other well and know how to be a support to each other and all that stuff, when you are sent out your partner has to be a really good friend because they are basically your only other person that can completely relate and stuff.
If I where to be sent out I would be sent with callan and callan is great I promise you this but at this point I don’t think we are right to work with each other as a team or to support each other. So to stay in South Africa I will have the support of all the hands at work staff and I will have independence in my work. We are still working out exactly what I will be doing but there are three things that I want to be involved with for sure, the first would be the youth program, right now the big boss, levy is slowly pulling out to give the community more ownership, so the new leaders are two really cool guys named Stanley and sydwell, as levy steps back callan and I will both probably fill in some gaps and just help the guys with organizing and administration skills and stuff like that, I am really excited, the second opportunity is very similar, I will be helping with the young mum’s program, Busi who is the big boss of young mums is going to be doing some traveling and stuff to bring the program to different countries and Linkie will be the one to step in, Linkie is nervous about her English and about being in charge, so I would work with her to build up her confidence and just be there to bounce her ideas off.
The third situation I am not really positive of how it will work but I would really like it to happen, hands at work has a goal to reach 100,000 OVCs (orphanages and vulnerable children) by 2010, so part of that is OVC visits along with home base care, I would like to work at least once or twice a week doing the OVC visits.

So yeah I am really really excited about this.
earlier this week we spent time with George synman (who is the founder of hands at work) and he asked me if I was enjoying my time here, and I was telling him that I am overjoyed to be here and I know this is the right place for me to be and I almost started crying and I don’t even know why.
Whats happening in my life and what’s happening in Africa now is INCREDIABLE and I thank God ever day that I get to be a part of it.
Often I think of home and I just wished my family and friends could see this place, this incredible place that the rest of the world and church has kind of turned its back to.
When I was speaking with Carly, she was telling me that she thought this was going to be one of the best years of my life and I have the same feeling, I know some of the things of what’s going to happen this year are going to be hard and barely bearable but “Bring it on”…this is a classroom that I completely willingly enter.

I think of everyone often and you are all in my prayers.
Ngi yaku tsandza


Blogger Unknown said...

Well you know going through the difficult times only enhances your experience.
I'm so happy to hear that this is an encredible thing for you to do.
I wish I could be along side with you.


March 30, 2008 at 1:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I almost cried too, as I do most times. Things sound like they are rolling along just fine .All your oppertunities sound great and I know you will do a super job no matter which oppertunity chooses you. your my super star, love mom. p.s. how,s that laundry comeing, It could be snow! xoxo

April 1, 2008 at 10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lacey i am so proud of you and all your work!

By your descriptions you must really be having an amazing time. You are a great person and I am inspired by you!

You are a wonderful person

April 3, 2008 at 10:19 AM  

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